Monday, November 3, 2014

پیزا هٹ کو معافی مانگنی پڑگئی - Pizza Hut had to apologize

In English

One of the employee working in a restaurant of Pizza Hut Company Singapore has made a strange mistake which caused the company to make an apology…The company has begun to investigate who did that and why.

When a woman named Aili Si read her pizza order receipt, she found "Pink Fat Lady" written at the bottom of the receipt. It was hand-written due to which the lady felt insulted, and posted a picture of that receipt along with her comments demanding an apology from Pizza Hut.

People believe that the purpose of writing "Pink Fat Lady" was to identify Aili Si as she was waiting for her order. Pizza Hut issued an apology letter to her, making it clear that behavior of such kind is against their policies.

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